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Monday, May 17, 2010

3 Great Articles at LewRockwell.Com

Tom DiLorenzo Interviewed by Scott Smith

Christians Killing For The Government by Laurence M. Vance

The Census Man Cometh by John Seiler

Clinton: "Iran Deserves Sanctions"


Yes, all those women and children deserve to starve to death by being denied trade to the rest of the world. It's only fair. Afterall, their government is trying to acquire nuclear power... and might at some point build a bomb... a bomb that's just like the thousands we have stockpiled in this country and in Isreal.

They're all just a bunch of brown-skinned towel-heads anyways... no one will care if they die due to our sanctions.

Robin Hood

This weekend I had a chance to go see Ridley Scott's new film, "Robin Hood". I have to admit right off the bat that I'm a huge sucker for epic period pieces (especially those set during mideaval times). Scott's last picture, "Kingdom of Heaven", the Director's Cut especially, is one of my favorite movies period.

I went in expecting more good things from this great director, and while not quite as great as his previous attempts ("Heaven" and "Gladiator") "Robin Hood" get's a fine new make-over.

The whole thing clocks at about 2 1/2 hours long. Yet never once did I feel bored during it's running time. The action was practically non-stop. The acting was top-notch, the cinematography breathtaking, the musical score well done. There was plenty of political intrigue, romance, and humor thrown in for good measure. It was throughouly enjoyable, and a refreshing take on the old legend. By the end of the film, everything was set up (for a sequel I hope!) as it should be for the original tale with which we are all familiar.

What does this have to do with politics you ask?

Well, Robin Hood's legend is assumed (by Progressive Liberals mostly) to be about wealth redistribution (that is, to steal from the rich to give to the poor). However, the true story, the actual historical facts, is that Robin Longstride was a man fighting against tyranny, the greatest of these tyrannies being taxes.

He didn't just steal from rich people, he stole from Royalty and Church Officials who stole their wealth first from the people through taxation. This was purely an act of taking back what originally belonged to someone else.

This movie, much like the Disney version and a 1930's live-action version, dares to tell this truth like it is, and not treat the story as some excuse for taxation "as long as it serves the poor". There are even allusions to the modern day tea-party movements, the wars in the middle-east, and a new leader promising "change".

I highly recomend this movie, not only because I like the way they treated the source material, but because it is a great time at the theatres. If I were to grade it from a purely critical standpoint, I'd say a solid B+.

Great story, great film. Go see it!

- J. Buell

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to head IMF


While David Cameron takes his place at the head of Parliament, Gordon Brown (long time bitch of the U.S. State) is being given a leading role at the International Monetary Fund, where he'll presumably work at the behest of DC and it's hubris by printing out more fake money to bail out the Rich and Elite while the poor suffer from the consequences.

Cop Shoots 7 Year-Old Girl in SWAT Raid


While unintentional, this is an unsurprising and tragic casualty of the ever-increasing Police State in this country.

Sarah Palin at the NRA Convention

Here's a quote: “We are America, God shed his grace on thee. We are the exceptional nation.”


The "Great Oil Disaster"


It's a load of hogwash. In actuality, a third of the oil has already been evaporated into the atmosphere (along with the majority of the toxic substance Benzene). The rest will either wash up on shore and easily be disposed of, or it will eventually sink to the bottom of the ocean and become part of the sedimentation.

When are we going to learn that Oil is just another natural part of the environment and stop freaking out every time a spill happens?

Shouldn't we be more concerned with the families who lost their loved ones due to the Rig explosion instead of fretting over a handful of dead fish?

Take A Look


At this list showing ALL ties of President Obama to Goldman Sachs. Now, bow down to your banker overlords!

Or we could always fight back...

Video: The Solution To The BP Oil Spill


Two Floridia Contractors came up with a great plan. If only the Government and BP will listen...

Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

Video: Isreal Supports Racial Population Control


They learned from the best!

Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.