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Thursday, May 6, 2010

We Are Not the State

In his recent speech at Universty of Michigan, President Obama decried "anti-government" dissenters, saying that they must be forgetting the principle of Democracy: The Government is us.

While it's true, anyone who holds to Democratic Theory must also believe this core ideal... the core ideal itself, is false. As is, by conclusion, Democratic Theory.

We cannot be the Government. It exists always outside of "us", it takes from us, it dictates to us, it decides for us. True, we have the ritualistic, and equally useless, election cycles. But the rich and powerful who run this country always stay in office. The two parties offer no differing solutions, though they may pretend to fight amongst each other (as is the case with professional wrestling). No third party, independant, or "radical/extreme" voice outside the "moderate/centrist" spectrum is listened to. The State, the Corporations, the Banks, the Media, and the Government Intellectuals make sure of this.

All forms of government lead to a minority, elected or not, lording it over the majority. No matter the flawed concept of Majoritarianism.

The State is not us, it can never be us. For if I were the State, then I wouldn't need the State. Why would I need to tell other people how to tell me how to live? What manner of logic is that.

Obama may be sincere in his rhetoric, but he is not correct.

SIDE NOTE: If this theory is true, then in 1932 Germany (which was a Democracy mind you) when the Nazi's were elected to power in a populist wave, this governance was the will of the people... including the Jews that voted as well. In this case, that the "Government is Us", then the millions of innocent Jews who died in the holocaust must have committed suicide.

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