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Monday, May 10, 2010

Obama Nominates Kagan As Supreme Court Nominee

Great, another pro-state, pro-executive power, pro-campaign finance reform expansionist who will do nothing to keep a check on Federal Power. This really shows how useless the Supreme Court truly is. The so-called system of "checks and balances" is a myth. All this branch does, springing from the same stem of course, is ignore or aid in the Executive, Bureaucratic, and Legislative branches growth and interventions into the rights of the people, the market, and the states.

I almost forgot to mention that Kagan is a former Goldman-Sachs employee... surprise, surprise.

- J. Buell


  1. It's goo to see that I'm not the only one to notice her connection with Goldman Sachs. When will the American people wake up and see that Goldman Sachs IS the US government?

  2. Sorry, my keyboard isn't forming all the letters all the time:
    I meant "good" not "goo" lol
