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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thoughts On the NYC Bomber

1. There is still no good proof that this man is the one who planted the bomb. I don't trust the Media, or the Government to tell the truth in this matter. I don't put it beyond the Feds to plant a false bomb and blame it on some random Muslim migrant, simply to justify more bombing of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Even the video of the suspect changing clothes shows a caucasion male with a clean-shaven face (look the video up yourself). He looks nothing like Faisal Shahzad.

2. Even if Shahzad is guilty, this only goes to prove 3 things. A) This so-called terrorist threat is nonsense. In the past 7 tries, they've screwed up. More than likely these are individual instances, run by seperate people, not all connected to one single Al-Queda cell... this would be impossible. (However, this doesn't stop Bin Laden and his cronies from accepting responsibility to gain favor among Radical Jihadists in the Middle-East)... B) What we are doing, invading sovereign countries, setting up puppet governments, bombing innocent civilians, occupying nations for long periods of time while setting up permanent military bases, and paying off governments (including dictators) in the region to support our economic/military causes, is not having the desired effect to staving off terroristic responses to our policies. We are creating more terrorists every day with our Imperialism and Mercantilism. And C) Average citizens are doing a better job at stopping/reporting these guys than our law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and Federal beauracracies. Go figure.

3. Nothing justifies taking this man's rights away. He is an American Citizen, and more importantly, a human being. He deserves due process and a fair trial by jury, not some Military Tribunal, or, what is more likely, a kangaroo court.

Ultimately, the Government is using this to scare the masses, make them pay more attention to this than to actual issues facing them (like the tyranny and oppression of the United State Government). They want to justify more wars, more taxes, and more laws curbing civil liberties.

We must not let that happen.

1 comment:

  1. The U.S. Government has been using Goebbels-style propaganda for many years, to influence the behavior of its citizens. However, this is not peculiar to only the U.S. Government. Just about every government in the world does the same.
