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Monday, May 17, 2010

3 Great Articles at LewRockwell.Com

Tom DiLorenzo Interviewed by Scott Smith

Christians Killing For The Government by Laurence M. Vance

The Census Man Cometh by John Seiler

Clinton: "Iran Deserves Sanctions"


Yes, all those women and children deserve to starve to death by being denied trade to the rest of the world. It's only fair. Afterall, their government is trying to acquire nuclear power... and might at some point build a bomb... a bomb that's just like the thousands we have stockpiled in this country and in Isreal.

They're all just a bunch of brown-skinned towel-heads anyways... no one will care if they die due to our sanctions.

Robin Hood

This weekend I had a chance to go see Ridley Scott's new film, "Robin Hood". I have to admit right off the bat that I'm a huge sucker for epic period pieces (especially those set during mideaval times). Scott's last picture, "Kingdom of Heaven", the Director's Cut especially, is one of my favorite movies period.

I went in expecting more good things from this great director, and while not quite as great as his previous attempts ("Heaven" and "Gladiator") "Robin Hood" get's a fine new make-over.

The whole thing clocks at about 2 1/2 hours long. Yet never once did I feel bored during it's running time. The action was practically non-stop. The acting was top-notch, the cinematography breathtaking, the musical score well done. There was plenty of political intrigue, romance, and humor thrown in for good measure. It was throughouly enjoyable, and a refreshing take on the old legend. By the end of the film, everything was set up (for a sequel I hope!) as it should be for the original tale with which we are all familiar.

What does this have to do with politics you ask?

Well, Robin Hood's legend is assumed (by Progressive Liberals mostly) to be about wealth redistribution (that is, to steal from the rich to give to the poor). However, the true story, the actual historical facts, is that Robin Longstride was a man fighting against tyranny, the greatest of these tyrannies being taxes.

He didn't just steal from rich people, he stole from Royalty and Church Officials who stole their wealth first from the people through taxation. This was purely an act of taking back what originally belonged to someone else.

This movie, much like the Disney version and a 1930's live-action version, dares to tell this truth like it is, and not treat the story as some excuse for taxation "as long as it serves the poor". There are even allusions to the modern day tea-party movements, the wars in the middle-east, and a new leader promising "change".

I highly recomend this movie, not only because I like the way they treated the source material, but because it is a great time at the theatres. If I were to grade it from a purely critical standpoint, I'd say a solid B+.

Great story, great film. Go see it!

- J. Buell

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to head IMF


While David Cameron takes his place at the head of Parliament, Gordon Brown (long time bitch of the U.S. State) is being given a leading role at the International Monetary Fund, where he'll presumably work at the behest of DC and it's hubris by printing out more fake money to bail out the Rich and Elite while the poor suffer from the consequences.

Cop Shoots 7 Year-Old Girl in SWAT Raid


While unintentional, this is an unsurprising and tragic casualty of the ever-increasing Police State in this country.

Sarah Palin at the NRA Convention

Here's a quote: “We are America, God shed his grace on thee. We are the exceptional nation.”


The "Great Oil Disaster"


It's a load of hogwash. In actuality, a third of the oil has already been evaporated into the atmosphere (along with the majority of the toxic substance Benzene). The rest will either wash up on shore and easily be disposed of, or it will eventually sink to the bottom of the ocean and become part of the sedimentation.

When are we going to learn that Oil is just another natural part of the environment and stop freaking out every time a spill happens?

Shouldn't we be more concerned with the families who lost their loved ones due to the Rig explosion instead of fretting over a handful of dead fish?

Take A Look


At this list showing ALL ties of President Obama to Goldman Sachs. Now, bow down to your banker overlords!

Or we could always fight back...

Video: The Solution To The BP Oil Spill


Two Floridia Contractors came up with a great plan. If only the Government and BP will listen...

Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

Video: Isreal Supports Racial Population Control


They learned from the best!

Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

Video: New Commercial Supporting CFR


Upside: Up until recently, most people weren't even aware that the Council on Foreign Relations existed, much less know what it's purpose was. This attempt to propogandize citizens into supporting the warmongering international institution is purely out of desperation. This can only mean we're winning in the war of information!

Downside: A lot of suckers will buy into the moronic propoganda shown here. This could end up hurting the cause to expose these secretive, evil organizations for the monsters they truly are.

Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

China and Russia VS. U.S.A.


They oppose any move to starve, impoverish, and kill Iranians using deadly sanctions (economic warfare on the people). Good for Russia and China! Here we have politicians in the U.S. griping about China's abuses of Human Rights, then it turns out the Communists are more humanitarian than we are.

Of course, I'm sure this had more to do with economics than principle... but it's nice to see other nations with actual influence standing up to American tyranny abroad.

Ron Paul A Force To Be Reckoned With In Iowa


Things are beginning to look up. 2012 here we come!

Video: Congressman Paul on the failed vote to Audit the Fed


Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Obama to Change Strategy in Drug War


Yep. Instead of simply throwing people in cages with violent offenders at the point of a gun for putting substances of their own choice into their own bodies... now our Great Leader will treat this as a "health problem" and instead throw them in hospitals with sick people at the point of a gun for putting substances of their own choice into their own bodies.

Land of the free my skinny white ass.

Patreus Says Shahzad Was A "Lone Wolf"


I'm inclined to agree with him.

Of course "intelligence" agencies are now refuting this claim, wanting desperately to provoke more war in Afghanistan and Pakistan... not to mention Iran.

Got Hemp? by Congressman Ron Paul


Before the US House of Representatives, Statement on Hemp History Week, May 6, 2010

Madam Speaker, I rise to speak about Hemp History Week. To celebrate the American heritage of growing industrial hemp, the Hemp Industries Association, Vote Hemp, several American manufacturers, and allied companies and organizations have declared May 17 to May 23 to be Hemp History Week. Throughout the week, people will recognize America’s legacy of industrial hemp farming and call for reinstating respect for farmers’ basic right to grow industrial hemp.

Industrial hemp was legally grown throughout our country for many years. In fact, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew industrial hemp and used it to make cloth. During World War II, the federal government encouraged American farmers to grow hemp to help the war effort.

Despite industrial hemp farming being an important part of American history, the federal government has banned cultivation of this crop. In every other industrialized country, industrial hemp, defined to contain less than 0.3 percent THC – the psychoactive chemical found in marijuana – may be legally grown. Nobody can be psychologically affected by consuming industrial hemp. Unfortunately, because of a federal policy that does not distinguish between growing industrial hemp and growing marijuana, all hemp products and materials must be imported. The result is high prices, outsourced jobs, and lost opportunities for American manufacturing.

Reintroducing industrial hemp farming in the United States would bring jobs to communities struggling in today’s economy, provide American farmers with another crop alternative, and encourage the development of hemp processing factories near American hemp farming.

Industrial hemp is used in many products. For example, industrial hemp is used in protein supplements, non-dairy milk, and frozen desserts. Hemp flour is in breads, crackers, chips, dips, and dressings. Hemp seeds may be eaten plain or added to prepared foods. Additionally, hemp oil is used in a number of cosmetic and body care products, and hemp fiber is used in cloths. Industrial hemp is also present in bio-composite materials used in buildings and automobiles.

I first introduced the Industrial Hemp Farming Act (HR 1866) five years ago to end the federal government’s ban on American farmers growing industrial hemp. In this time, the industrial hemp industry has grown much larger. Despite its American history, industrial hemp is the only crop that we can buy and sell but not farm in the United States. The federal government should change the law to allow American farmers grow this profitable crop as American farmers have through most of our nation’s history. Please cosponsor the Industrial Hemp Farming Act and join me in celebrating Hemp History Week.

Obama Pressures Europe into Greece Bailout


This will do nothing but stave off the inevitable. You can't have a socialist model of entitlements and expect to not run out of money. Monetizing Greece's debt will only come at the cost of the dollar's value, which will hurt all Americans on the market and cause more economic woes. Eventually the dollar bubble, like the financial bubble, will have to burst. When that happens, when all paper currencies fail, we will have true economic chaos.

We have two options... turn to more Fascist controls and new fiat currencies created by central banks (this time on a global scale)... or we can turn to Gold and market commodity money.

One path leads to a worse version of what we have now, the other to freedom, peace, and prosperity.

Video: Ron Paul on the Greece Bailout


Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Concerning British Politics

I'm no believer in politics. I think it's "civilized violence" on a mass scale, and the practice of politics is quite unethical.

However, I never cease to find political infighting interesting. Certainly most infighting, at least in the U.S., is staged, more along the lines of professional wrestling. It's designed to keep us fighting amongst each other, voting for two parties who are practically the same on every issue (in practice, not in rhetoric), and ignore the real problems. God forbid we ever voted in a third party, independant, or stopped accepting the legitimacy of our corrupt Federal Government.

I suspect in Britain things are simialar. Yet, their political system (pariliamentary democracy, constitutional monarchy) gives different dimensions to this truth. Third parties are at least given some credence, and a place in Parliament. The Monarchy may be outdated and ridiculous, but it excercises no real power (only ceremonial uses). The polical system there reeks of infighting as well (mainly between Labour and Conservative (Tory) parties). The two, like our own Republicans and Democrats, only disagree on minute details, but implement policies roughly the same (more foriegn wars, more government control of the economy, more police state measures).

And yet, much as in American, Britain is undergoing a political revival among the people. There is a reason the first televised debates were just now, in this election, held by our friends accross the Atlantic.

Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrats... liberal meaning something very different than here in the states) shook up the whole dynamic with his performance (I chose that word on purpose) at these debates. He actually supported LESS wars overseas, LESS government intervention, and LESS of the same. It reeked of Obama (more rhetoric than actuality), but it was nice to see the reaction. Clegg shot up in the polls and gained massive popularity.

In the end, however, the two major parties won the day. Though the Tories won the plurality in seats, the next Prime Minister (between Gordon Brown (L) and David Cameron (C) as candidates) is still in question. Both will no doubt continue support for America's "War on Terror", more interventionism in the economy there (which has led to ruin, same as here), and more Orwellian initiatives domestically.

I did enjoy the momentary shake-up though. It is simialar to what is going on here with the Tea-Parties (though to less of a degree). If Clegg had won, it wouldn't have spelled as much change as he promised, but it would have proven the attitude of the British had changed (much like America's attitude showed changes with the election of Obama).

Like Obama, the next prime minister (whoever he is) won't do much to "change" anything seriously. But 2012 is coming soon for us. Who knows what could happen?

Perhaps Britian will follow in suit in the charge towards greater liberties and less war.

One can only hope.

- J. Buell

Obama Talks With Karzai


He wants the Pakistani Government to wage more war on their own people. In exchange, we give them money and weapons!

I wonder if this will qualify Obama for another peace prize...

Video: Ron Paul on the Sanders Ammendment


Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

The AMA Stifles Dissent


God forbid any doctor comes out against Obama's new bill!

This only proves that they're getting desperate. Good! They should be afraid.

TSA Porno Scanners


Remember when the Government told you the scanners would not lead to sexual harrasment? Guess what? You're not going to believe it... they were wrong (gasp!).

Some TSA agent decided it would be funny to make fun of the size of another man's "package" while viewing his "form" on one of these scanners. He's now been charged and fired.

So, if he could make the "you-know-what" out on this man using those scanners, what's preventing these people (many of whom, as shown in the above story, are just as fallible as anyone else) from seeing the naked from of women or children? What's preventing sexual harrasment, distribution of these images on the internet, not to mention the obvious violation of privacy associated with these machines?

Oh, but it keeps us safe from terrorists you say? Well as long as Ahmed won't blow me up, I'll let Government Drones view my naked body and save images to their computers.

Patrick Henry is rolling in his grave.

Good for Chuck Baldwin


The man I voted for in '08 (after Ron Paul lost the primaries) is again proving himself worthy of that ballot. Now, in a recent article, he has changed his mind (and drifted away from his party, the Constitution Party, which is vastly made up of "Christian Conservatives") by coming out against the Federal War on Drugs.

Glad I voted for you Chuck!

Video: Alan Grayson (D) Takes On The Feds


Grayson is swiftly becoming my favorite Democrat, taking over Kucinich (who sold-out on Obama's Corporatist Health-Care Bill).

Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

Happy Mother's Day (belated)

Unfortunately I don't post on the weekends, so I missed my chance to wish all the mom's out there a very hapy Mother's Day.

Of course, the history of Mother's Day is very interesting (it started as an anti-war holiday). Check it out for yourself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother%27s_Day_Proclamation

Obama Nominates Kagan As Supreme Court Nominee

Great, another pro-state, pro-executive power, pro-campaign finance reform expansionist who will do nothing to keep a check on Federal Power. This really shows how useless the Supreme Court truly is. The so-called system of "checks and balances" is a myth. All this branch does, springing from the same stem of course, is ignore or aid in the Executive, Bureaucratic, and Legislative branches growth and interventions into the rights of the people, the market, and the states.

I almost forgot to mention that Kagan is a former Goldman-Sachs employee... surprise, surprise.

- J. Buell

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thoughts On the NYC Bomber

1. There is still no good proof that this man is the one who planted the bomb. I don't trust the Media, or the Government to tell the truth in this matter. I don't put it beyond the Feds to plant a false bomb and blame it on some random Muslim migrant, simply to justify more bombing of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Even the video of the suspect changing clothes shows a caucasion male with a clean-shaven face (look the video up yourself). He looks nothing like Faisal Shahzad.

2. Even if Shahzad is guilty, this only goes to prove 3 things. A) This so-called terrorist threat is nonsense. In the past 7 tries, they've screwed up. More than likely these are individual instances, run by seperate people, not all connected to one single Al-Queda cell... this would be impossible. (However, this doesn't stop Bin Laden and his cronies from accepting responsibility to gain favor among Radical Jihadists in the Middle-East)... B) What we are doing, invading sovereign countries, setting up puppet governments, bombing innocent civilians, occupying nations for long periods of time while setting up permanent military bases, and paying off governments (including dictators) in the region to support our economic/military causes, is not having the desired effect to staving off terroristic responses to our policies. We are creating more terrorists every day with our Imperialism and Mercantilism. And C) Average citizens are doing a better job at stopping/reporting these guys than our law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and Federal beauracracies. Go figure.

3. Nothing justifies taking this man's rights away. He is an American Citizen, and more importantly, a human being. He deserves due process and a fair trial by jury, not some Military Tribunal, or, what is more likely, a kangaroo court.

Ultimately, the Government is using this to scare the masses, make them pay more attention to this than to actual issues facing them (like the tyranny and oppression of the United State Government). They want to justify more wars, more taxes, and more laws curbing civil liberties.

We must not let that happen.

Faisal Shahzad on NSA watchlist since 1999


That's how useless the National Security Agency, and all other government agencies are.

This is why I favor private defense.

More Evil Inside Health-Care Reform


Click to see for yourself...

Video (Audio Only): Canadian Couple Arrested By U.S. Border Gaurds


Listen and understand the police-state we are currently living in. It will only get worse if we do nothing.

Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

McCain and Lieberman: Attempted Bomber Should Have No Rights


Nevermind that he was a legal U.S. Citizen, or that Rights are natural and inherent in all humans, not given by Government.

This man, if he is guilty, commited a potentially deadly crime, but this does not forfeit his rights. All criminals in this country, or anywhere, deserves due process. That's what America fought a Revolution for in the first place (among other equally good reasons).

Marines Ban Anyone With Confederate Tattoo


Well, as long as they've offended Southerners, why don't they also offend Northerners, Easterners, and Westerners... then no one will join the Marines, putting an end to one branch of the Empire.

Man Who Reported NYC Bomb Is a Muslim Immigrant


That should put a block in the path of Christian Conservatives hell-bent on starting a Holy War with Islam.

Video: Cops Shoot Dog In Front of Kids During Raid


I'm so glad we're winning the war on the American people... exuse me... I mean drugs!

Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

This is Sick


An elderly gay couple is kept seperate, even while nearing the end of their lives, by the cruel State of California.

Video: Ron Paul and Alan Grayson on The Dylan Ratigan Show


It's all about Ending the Fed!

Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

The Hutaree Members Let Out On Bail


I say good for them. This spells, in my opinion, the end of the case against them.

The Judge ruled that they could be set free because "talking about violence does not imply intent to do so" and is protected by free speech.

If this be the case, then the Feds have nothing more to go off of.

You Don't Own You


So saith the U.S. Government. A Kidney donation is cancelled by the Feds because it didn't meet their standards.

This was a voluntary gift from one person to another, one that could save a life. Yet the State must get it's tentacles involved once again.

"Government is Us" Nonsense

Here's an excerpt from John Clark Ridpath, ca. 1898 -

“This ‘divine fact’ called government is generally resident in the will and caprice of a person called a king; but it may exist under any other garb or mask. It may call itself a prince, an emperor, a czar, a shah, a mikado, a sultan, a president, a speaker of the House of Representatives. Whatever it is, and in whatever shape it comes, whether it be angel or devil, its peculiarity is that it exists and maintains itself and exercises its authority outside of and upon the people it governs.

“The theorem continues thus: Government is not of the people, but apart from them. It begins not in the hearts and hopes of them, but in its own passions and ambitions…Did space permit, I should gladly summarize the work of this monstrous thing among the nations of the earth. History is replete with the story of the abuses, cruelties, and tyrannies of the fact called government.”

Video: PA Tax Police vs. "Tom"


It's like they're not even trying to fool us anymore.

Click on link or copy-and-paste to URL.

The FDA Wants to Regulate the Sun


Or, at least, how much you are allowed to soak up. This is ridiculous.

We Are Not the State

In his recent speech at Universty of Michigan, President Obama decried "anti-government" dissenters, saying that they must be forgetting the principle of Democracy: The Government is us.

While it's true, anyone who holds to Democratic Theory must also believe this core ideal... the core ideal itself, is false. As is, by conclusion, Democratic Theory.

We cannot be the Government. It exists always outside of "us", it takes from us, it dictates to us, it decides for us. True, we have the ritualistic, and equally useless, election cycles. But the rich and powerful who run this country always stay in office. The two parties offer no differing solutions, though they may pretend to fight amongst each other (as is the case with professional wrestling). No third party, independant, or "radical/extreme" voice outside the "moderate/centrist" spectrum is listened to. The State, the Corporations, the Banks, the Media, and the Government Intellectuals make sure of this.

All forms of government lead to a minority, elected or not, lording it over the majority. No matter the flawed concept of Majoritarianism.

The State is not us, it can never be us. For if I were the State, then I wouldn't need the State. Why would I need to tell other people how to tell me how to live? What manner of logic is that.

Obama may be sincere in his rhetoric, but he is not correct.

SIDE NOTE: If this theory is true, then in 1932 Germany (which was a Democracy mind you) when the Nazi's were elected to power in a populist wave, this governance was the will of the people... including the Jews that voted as well. In this case, that the "Government is Us", then the millions of innocent Jews who died in the holocaust must have committed suicide.