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Monday, April 5, 2010

The Continued Crucifixion of Toyota


While statistics show Ford, GM, and Chrysler to have JUST AS MANY problems with their braking systems (last year) as Toyota, this apparently doesn't matter to the Federal Government, which is all too ready to demonize a foriegn (shivers) competitor.

How dare Toyota compete with the "Big Three"! So what if Americans prefer to purchase Japanese cars because they're better! It's unpatriotic to buy anything from those filthy gooks!

The above is obviously sarcasm, but sadly reflects the grim protectionist view many Americans have on the economy.

If American Companies STEAL from the citizenry to stay in business (even though they are more inefficient, unproductive, and unpopular with the average consumer), it's A-OK. But if a Japanese company merely offers a product in trade, competing with the inefficient thieves, they are an enemy to the United States! Makes perfect sense.

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