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Friday, April 16, 2010

Tea Party Protests Yesterday Attack Big-Government


I don't agree with everything in the Tea-Party. They claim to be independant of any party, but the Republicans have certainly tried to control the movement (and it appears that they do, whether they can truly do so or not).

However, I applaud the direct citizen action being taken here. Never has a protest movement been this large and succesful. The media has tried to marginalize and ignore this movement, but they are now being forced to watch, listen, and report. Something is happening in this country where the people no longer trust their Government, they are actually serious about "throwing the bums out" and "taking back Washington".

I've been to one of these protests myself, and I assure you the attendees are not racists, idiots, or uninformed red-necks. They are regular middle-class Americans who are rightfully fed up with being made promises that aren't kept, having their money taken by the IRS only to be spent on wasteful programs and wars, and they're sick of being told what to do with their lives by politicians and bureaucrats.

They are largely educated, informed, and issue-driven. Though there are always exceptions in every movement.

I don't see this as exclusively Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, Left or Right. This is mainly an Independant, Libertarian, and Populist uprising... and it is a peaceful revolution. Come November, lots of Reps and Dems are going to be very surprised.

Come 2012... I think we're all going to be pleasantly caught off gaurd. No media pundits, Government intellectuals, or political elite predicted this. I may not agree with everything the individuals involved support (closing the borders, protectionism, the war on drugs, militarism in the middle-east, and religious moralism) but by-and-large... this is all about freedom, liberty, and power to the people.

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