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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Inevitable Idiocy


Now someone is claiming the Icelandic volcano (one of several thousand volcanoes world-wide which have been erupting since the dawn of the planet... ie. before humans) is the responsibility of man-made "Global Warming". This, despite the fact that man has only had the capability of mass-pollution for 200 years, and that scientists now say the globe is cooling (those now exposed fakes aside), and that the planet is a self-sustaining system that has existed long before us and will exist long after.

But you can't argue with logic and reason against dogma and religious fervor.

UPDATE: I will admit that "Climate Change" (not "Man-Made Global Warming") is a fact of life. It's been going on for mellinia. Of course the human race has had an impact, just like every species has an impact, especially in the last 200+ years of industrialization. This isn't to say that we are wholly responsible for changes in the weather, as this is a system beyond our control, but it is delicate enough to be tweaked by our activities. Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and other gases released into the atmosphere at high levels can have bad effects on the Ozone and cause the planet to warm (or cool... warmth being good for life creation) faster than usual. Pollution, more on a local level, can also be a problem for health and eco-systems which we rely on... whether this be air-pollution, water-pollution, or land-pollution.
Ultimately, we must rely on the free market and entrepenuers to invent and introduce technologies which will help lessen our bad effects on the environment, which ultimately effects our health. And we must also rely on private property to be a check on pollution, and free trade to develop methods of recycling, clean disposal of waste, and improvement of our health and environment in which we live.
This isn't to buy into the false "Al Gore" Hollywood vision of apocolyptic horror. The Earth isn't going anywhere (barring galactic occurences beyond our control, like a meteor or solar rays) and we should not be egotistical enough to think we can have a devestating effect on it, nor can we "save" the planet or attempt to control the balance of nature. Species go extinct every day... we need to worry about preserving humanity, not polar bears. We also shouldn't fall into the psuedo-religious concept of "green environmentalism" which practically worships plants/animals and the Earth Goddess Gaia, advocating the death of people.
We're going to have a carbon footprint (carbon being good for life on the planet, and the creation of oxygen of course) no matter what we do. We can't get rid of our impact, nor should we seek to destroy our health or happiness to limit it to any great degree.

Let's just respect ourselves, each other. Keep researching, never trust the first set of data you see, always allow for debate. Accept that the environment fluxuates, weather is always going to happen (good and bad), and we can't control everything (nor did we cause it). But, we should try to keep our living-space clean and healthy. We should rely on freedom and markets to give us innovative ideas to help us live happily and not contribute to already dangerous planetary warming/cooling periods, as well as provide us a way to survive it. Don't let the Government, or their paid "scientists" scare you into giving away your money or freedoms... they care nothing for the environment, only getting wealthier and more powerful.

SUMMARY: Love the environment, just don't be one of those crazy "environmentalists".

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