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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sarah Palin Advocates War Against Iran


I never have understood the appeal of Mrs. Palin.

Here she states that Iran (according to the oh-so-trustworthy CIA) now has the capability of producing nuclear weapons to use against Isreal. Never mind that Isreal itself has an arsenal of IMBDs (given as a generous gift by you, the taxpayer), unlike Iran has NOT signed the Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, or that there is no legitimate evidence to assume Iran has the capability, will ever have the capability, or will ever have the desire to nuke the "Holy Land".

According to the ex-Governor of Alaska, all of this is reason enough to not only impose more crippling sanctions (which would starve the people, including women and children, and stifle any possible dissent against the Theocratic Government), but also justification to invade, overthrow, and rebuild the entire country.

Oh yes, because it worked so well the last time...

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