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Thursday, April 1, 2010

United Nations vs. Religious "Defamation"


Our current manifestation of global governance has passed a resolution, at the behest of Pakistan (on the behalf of Islamic States), which would make "religious defamation" a human rights violation.

This will no doubt be used by the Muslim nations to justify restrictions on speech which is critical of Islam. Though this resolution also covers Anti-Semitism and Christianophobia. I suppose the very act of being an Athiest could now be criminalized, as denying the existence of an invisible man in the sky could certianly be construed as defamatory.

At some point, in an attempt to protect every group under the sun from being offended by another group, we will have to decide which groups should be given special "rights" over other groups.

Better hope (or pray) that you come out on the former end.

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